Thursday, October 3, 2013

Hypnosis Wakes You Up!

This article first appeared in the summer edition of Be Real Magazine, an online magazine dedicated to holistic health.

Hypnosis Wakes You Up!

Hypnosis is often thought of as a kind of sleep. The very root of the word is from the Greek god of sleep -- Hypnos. But hypnosis is actually a way to be more awake to life and to your own potential.

There are two types of hypnosis -- direct suggestion and hypnoanalysis. Direct suggestion is well described by its name. It utilizes suggestions of desired experiences and outcomes while you are in a state of relaxation. And it does this based upon very clearly stated desires and goals. In the first step in this process of hypnosis the hypnotherapist helps you to be very clear about what you desire. And even the process of clarification can have a profound effect. This is where the “waking up” part begins to make itself known.

The other type of hypnosis, hypnoanalysis, is used to help you move beyond a place of being “stuck” in thoughts or behaviors rooted in your past. It is used to bring what is deeply held in the subconscious closer to the surface for examination, resolution, and integration into your life. 

In this article, I will focus on the first type -- direct hypnosis.

Here is the key to direct hypnosis, “You will always move in the direction of your most dominant thought!”

Think about it. You first see your dream car in a magazine and you devour the article. Next, you note the same car on the road. Then you find yourself imagining what it would be like to drive that car. You probably even talk about the car with friends and maybe do a web search to find it. As the momentum builds, you consider your expenses and begin to consider how you might finance the car. And soon you find yourself visiting the showroom. Long before you sign the paper and make the car your own, you’ve experienced owning it!

That’s a good example of direct hypnosis. Those entranced sessions of reading the article in the magazine, looking at the specifics on line, the self-talk, and even those glassy eyed conversations with friends about it are all experiences of subtle hypnotic states that were already making you an owner. 

Again, “You will always move in the direction of your most dominant thought!” That’s the key to using hypnosis to awaken you to the achievement of your goals.

Here are steps in outline form:

  1. Be clear about what you desire -- employment, degree, car, etc.

  1. Relax and let your imagination explore what it looks like, feels like, sounds like, etc. to achieve and live with that desired goal. 

  1. Sit comfortably (you don’t want to fall asleep) and relax. Allow your eyes to gently go closed as you imagine with fullest details what it is that you desire. Include as many sensations a possible -- sight, touch, sound, smell, taste, and perhaps most important -- emotion.

  1. As you sit with this vivid experience, begin to rehearse the ways that you keep this a priority in your life. For instance, “I go contentedly to sleep each night knowing that I’m making this goal a reality.” Or, “I effortlessly prioritize my hours, days, and weeks to acquire my goal.” Be as creative as possible!

With these four simple steps, you are consciously awake to your life and priorities even while you are subconsciously programing yourself to achieve what you desire.

All of us go through our days with attitudes about ourselves and the world around us. 
Hypnosis is not simply “positive thinking,” but “fully becoming” by choosing our most dominant thought and living that thought into its fulfillment. 

The first step toward any great destiny begins with a desire. Hypnosis can help you wake up to that. And if you need a little help with your wakeup call, call me.

Dr. Brian Hooper

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